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How to prepare your business grounds for the autumn season

While summer isn't even in its prime yet, it seems counter-intuitive to be thinking about autumn - but there's plenty to do now to prepare for the seasons ahead. Any quality garden maintenance plan will include a hefty list of jobs which need to be completed in summer in order to prepare a garden for autumn, and the bigger your grounds are, the more work will be needed. While some garden work can be done yourself, it's important to know which jobs to leave to the experts - and major grounds clearance certainly falls into the second category.

Why Do Your Grounds & Outside Space Matter? Click here to find out!

The importance of forward planning

Soon, we'll talk about putting your garden to bed, which is the major job for gardeners and grounds maintenance teams in autumn. But first, it's important to understand why planning ahead will be of advantage in the long run. Hefty garden and grounds maintenance jobs which require external help must be considered and scheduled early, to ensure that professionals are available where needed. While your gardens and grounds may not shine in autumn and winter as they do in spring and summer, it's still paramount to keep grounds looking clean and neat in order to maintain professional business premises.

Autumn garden maintenance jobs

Most fall business garden care revolves around maintaining neat and tidy grass, enjoying the last blooms of late summer, and preparing grounds for the harsh winter ahead. Autumn jobs include cleaning away the remnants of old annuals and summer flowers, planting flowering bulbs, garlic, and rhubarb for next spring, and mowing regularly to keep lawns healthy. Autumn is the perfect season to undertake some much-needed lawn care, in fact; weeding lawns and feeding lawns should be the goal for the month.

How to put your garden to bed

Aside from regular upkeep, autumn is about putting your business garden to bed for the winter. This involves cutting back most - but not all - perennials, and cleaning up dead or declining annuals before they can make a mess of your garden and ruin the atmosphere of your business grounds. If there are fruit trees or vegetables in the grounds, now is the time to harvest everything you can see - subterranean vegetables can be left alone. Shield any plants that animals may eat, store bulbs, and mulch soil around the base of grafted roses to ensure your plants are protected over the coming months. Finally, get ready for spring: it feels early, but this is the best time to weed and clean your grounds, prepare beds, and till the soil in advance of next spring.

Autumn can be a surprisingly busy time for commercial gardeners. If you're in need of an extra hand,

Get in touch with us at Weedfree Landscapes. We can ensure your gardens and grounds look beautiful all year round.

Why Do Your Grounds & Outside Space Matter? Click here to find out!

Image source: Unsplash

Tim Bower
Post by Tim Bower
July 7, 2020
Tim Bower is the Director of Weedfree and is an expert in grounds maintenance and keeping your business looking great all year round.
