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What are the additional requirements schools have for grounds maintenance

Well-kept school grounds make a good impression on all visitors and are also a fantastic resource, as they offer pupils a wealth of opportunities for learning and play. School grounds maintenance doesn't just involve regularly mowing the grass, however - there are lots of additional jobs involved in keeping these areas accessible, safe and looking great at any time of year.

Weedfree Landscapes Ltd are specialists in grounds maintenance, so we've put together this useful post on the types of jobs needed to keep school grounds looking immaculate.

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Added Requirements For School Grounds Maintenance

Regular monitoring of school grounds is an essential maintenance task, as broken glass, discarded drinks cans and other dangerous items can cause safety risks to kids when they use play areas and sports fields. Paths, access routes and all entrances to school premises also need an ongoing inspection to ensure trip or slip hazards don't impact on the safety of pupils, parents or teaching staff.

When it comes to regular school grounds maintenance, each school has its own needs, so gardeners and contractors should tailor activities to suit their specific requirements.

Many school grounds feature shrubberies, gardens and a number of trees, so staying on top of regular weeding, pruning and tree care will be essential to keep the areas looking good. This could entail the use of hazardous substances, as pesticides, fertilisers, herbicides and pest control products will generally contain some poisons. It's often possible to arrange applications of hazardous chemicals out of term, though, and this should be discussed with your groundsman. Ideally, you should also try to avoid storing chemicals of this nature on school premises.

Secure perimeter fencing is also essential for school grounds, so grounds maintenance employees and contractors should provide fence inspections at regular intervals. A secure perimeter can prevent intrusion by animals or vandals and can also stop further litter blowing into school grounds.

Drainage and water management are primary concerns for most schools - sodden playing fields are not healthy or comfortable environments for sports activities. Increased hot weather in summer, combined with reduced rainfall, means that rainwater harvesting could be a priority for many eco-conscious school facility managers. This could create added hazards for pupils, however, so it's important that any rainwater collection measures are implemented in a way that gives due consideration to any health and safety issues that could arise.

Our brief guide above highlights just a few of the regular requirements for school grounds maintenance. Weedfree Landscapes Ltd offer professional and reliable school grounds maintenance in the Nottinghamshire area and throughout the East Midlands. You can rely on our expertise in health and safety regulations and we tailor all our grounds maintenance contracts to meet client needs. Get in touch to find out more.

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Tim Bower
Post by Tim Bower
March 7, 2019
Tim Bower is the Director of Weedfree and is an expert in grounds maintenance and keeping your business looking great all year round.
