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Time To Prepare For Winter Gritting

As the temperature begins to drop and the evenings draw in, it’s time to get your winter plan in place. Whilst you can’t always predict exactly when the bad weather will arrive, you know it will be here at some point!

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By taking action now, you can ensure that you’re fully prepared for whatever the winter weather throws at you. Furthermore, you can ensure that your business doesn’t suffer because of a drop in footfall or limited access to your grounds.

If you want to make sure you’re ready for winter weather, follow our top 3 tips now…

1. Find your nearest salt/grit bin

When you know bad weather is on the way, you can take preventative action by sprinkling salt or grit on outdoor surfaces. By doing so, you can minimise the risk of accidents and injuries, and ensure that people can still access your business.

However, it’s important to ensure you use the right amount of salt or grit and that you place it at appropriate times. Typically, you want to ensure it’s on the ground before ice or snow forms. This helps to maximise the grip of shoes or tyres and minimises the amount of snow or ice that sticks to the pavement, tarmac or walkways.

2. Follow the weather forecast

The internet gives you easy access to real-time weather information, so make the most of it. What’s more, our long-term weather reports are more accurate than ever, so you can identify when bad weather is most likely and start taking action now.

If you know when a snowstorm is due, for example, you can gauge when the right time is to start pre-gritting your grounds. This will help to keep your business accessible throughout the winter, as well as minimising the risk bad weather poses to your staff, your suppliers and your customers.

3. Arrange professional winter maintenance

Maintaining your grounds can be complicated and time-consuming at any time of year, but it’s even more difficult throughout the winter. By working with professional contractors, you can access winter maintenance Nottingham clients can trust and keep your grounds safe and clear.

As well as pre-gritting priority routes and providing specialist advice, professional contractors also offer a range of snow clearing services. This ensures your business can remain open and operational, regardless of what happens with the weather.

To learn more or to prepare your business for winter now, contact Weedfree Landscapes on 01623 653568.

Make An Impression Guide - Long

Tim Bower
Post by Tim Bower
November 15, 2019
Tim Bower is the Director of Weedfree and is an expert in grounds maintenance and keeping your business looking great all year round.
