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5 Ways To Reduce Ground Maintenance
Whether you own a commercial building or you’re a commercial tenant, grounds maintenance is an important part of your business image. Whilst poorly tended and overgrown surroundings can reflect badly on your business, well-maintained grounds will impress new and existing clientele.
Find out how to choose a grounds/estate maintenance contractor here!

Of course, the right landscaping options can minimise the amount of maintenance required and reduce ground maintenance costs too. To find out how you can minimise expenditure and enhance your surroundings, take a look at our top 5 ways to reduce ground maintenance now…

1. Cover soil

When soil is left uncovered, weeds will grow quickly. By covering soil with an alternative, such as bark, you can minimise the number of weeds and reduce commercial grounds maintenance costs accordingly.

2. Undertake regular maintenance

You may feel that routine grounds maintenance takes you away from your core business, but it’s essential if you want to keep on top of things. If you don’t commit to regular grounds maintenance, things will quickly get out of hand and the costs to rectify your surroundings will begin to spiral.

3. Add hardscape to your grounds

Man-made features, such as stones, paths, walls and ornaments can be an effective way of enhancing your exterior. What’s more, these features require minimal maintenance and can be preserved for long periods of time. By combining these hardscape features with traditional landscaping, you can minimise the amount of work required and cultivate low-cost, low maintenance grounds.

4. Choose plants and vegetation carefully

You’ll want to select plants which look nice and enhance your property but it’s important to consider the amount of maintenance they’ll need. If you want to ensure you benefit from the lowest ground maintenance costs, for example, you may want to choose slow-growing and hardy plants, which will require little input once planted.

5. Hire a contractor

Hiring a ground maintenance contractor can be extremely cost-effective. With access to a wide range of equipment, a professional contractor can carry out grounds maintenance in a fraction of the time it might take you or your staff to complete the same jobs. Furthermore, a grounds maintenance contractor will have a wealth of expertise and experience when it comes to choosing, cultivating and maintaining your grounds. If you want to minimise your costs and free up your time, working with a professional landscaper can be the most effective way to do it.

To learn more about creating low maintenance grounds, contact us at Weedfree Landscapes now on 01623 653568.

How To Choose A Grounds/Estate Maintenance Contractor - Long

Image Source: Weedfree Gallery

Tim Bower
Post by Tim Bower
November 22, 2019
Tim Bower is the Director of Weedfree and is an expert in grounds maintenance and keeping your business looking great all year round.
