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As the weather gets colder and the nights draw in, it can be tempting to let your grounds maintenance lapse. Since we’re spending less time outside, it’s easy to put maintenance tasks out of your mind. This is a big mistake.

Why Do Your Grounds & Outside Space Matter? Click here to find out!
Neglecting your grounds during the colder months is not only damaging to your plants, it is also dangerous to your customers. Improperly maintained grounds lead to all sorts of hazards during the autumn and winter, increasing the risk of accidents and the likelihood of a compensation claim. Luckily, by following our simple winter garden maintenance tips, you can keep your grounds in good shape all season long. Let’s take a look:

Sweep Up Fallen Leaves

Fallen leaves may look attractive but they have no place on a business premises. Not only do they create a slipping hazard, they can also be thoroughly unhygienic. Fallen leaves accumulate quickly during the autumn, especially if you have a lot of trees on your site, so they will need to be cleared regularly. Pay particular attention to footpaths and other busy areas to prevent accidents.

Put Down Mulch

Winter grounds keeping is not just about maintenance - it’s also about planning ahead for the spring. You should put a layer of mulch around all plants to act as an insulator through the winter. This will protect your plants and help them to keep growing, meaning that your grounds will look much healthier next spring. Mulch is especially useful for protecting young trees as it will insulate their roots and keep water in the soil for longer. You should apply mulch evenly and not too thickly.

Prune Your Plants

Many trees and shrubs are best pruned in the winter when they are dormant. This encourages stronger growth in the long run and also helps to prevent disease. Your winter pruning should focus on deciduous trees and shrubs (those that die back in winter).

Grit Paths And Remove Snow

Ice and snow is the biggest winter hazard of all, and it is your responsibility to keep your visitors safe. Paths should be gritted daily during the coldest months and, if there is snow on the ground, it should be cleared immediately. It is important not to use too much salt when gritting paths as this can damage nearby plants.

If you’re struggling to keep on top of things this winter, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We offer a full range of garden maintenance services to keep your grounds safe and tidy all winter long.

Make An Impression Guide - Long

Image Source: Unsplash

Tim Bower
Post by Tim Bower
October 28, 2020
Tim Bower is the Director of Weedfree and is an expert in grounds maintenance and keeping your business looking great all year round.
