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If you're looking for winter garden maintenance tips to see your business through the colder months, there is only one that you need to consistently remember - and that is to not forget how important it is. Many business owners think that winter grounds maintenance is not as important as it is during spring and summer, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Why Do Your Grounds & Outside Space Matter? Click here to find out!

Keeping your grounds looking their best

It's true that most of your plants, trees, and grass will begin to die back during winter, particularly if there are frequent storms or frosts to deal with. That doesn't mean that grounds maintenance becomes something you can ignore, however. Making sure your flower beds, plants, and grass are suitably cared for during the difficult weather is important to ensure they begin to grow again as soon as possible. It's also important that any larger trees you may have are thoroughly inspected - diseased or brittle branches will be the first to fall in strong winds, which could pose a potential safety hazard or obstruction.

Making sure your property is safe for everyone

Winter presents a number of unique challenges when it comes to ensuring safety around your property. Grounds maintenance is not just about keeping your plants looking pretty and your grass cut neatly. It's also about ensuring your property is as safe as possible for customers and employees to traverse. During winter, there's going to be an increased slip risk due to frost, ice, and possibly snow - that means it's essential your pathways are regularly gritted to keep them safe to walk on.

It's important that salt or grit is applied properly, however - it's not as easy as just buying a big bag and throwing it everywhere you can. That's why a dedicated grounds maintenance team is still invaluable to you during the colder months. Weedfree Landscapes, for example, has the skills and experience to keep your grounds, including any stairways, benches, or access points, safely gritted no matter what weather comes. We can also advise you on how to keep your plants protected.

Contact Weedfree Landscapes

Winter maintenance services are an investment, not only in keeping your business grounds safe through winter, but also minimising the work that will be required when spring comes back around. Don't let winter pummel your grounds and then need to spend a load getting it fixed when spring returns. Contact Weedfree Landscapes for an affordable winter grounds maintenance plan.

Make An Impression Guide - Long

Image Source: Unsplash


Tim Bower
Post by Tim Bower
November 4, 2020
Tim Bower is the Director of Weedfree and is an expert in grounds maintenance and keeping your business looking great all year round.
