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Why You Shouldn't Pave Over Grass

Paving over large grassy areas and lawns can sometimes seem like an appealing option since paving can be easier to maintain and keep tidy. Many business owners like the “smart”, “clean” aesthetic that terracing can provide, and are willing to get the jet wash out every few months to keep on top of the dirt build-up.

However, paving over grass doesn’t just mean extra maintenance on your business premises – replacing that grass with concrete can actually cause a lot of problems both in your own grounds and also more widely. Let's take a look at three key reasons to consider keeping your lawns intact.

Find out how to choose a grounds/estate maintenance contractor here!

The desirability of green spaces

Most people living in urban areas in the UK today are acutely aware of the lack of green spaces in towns and cities; while paving over grass might seem neat and tidy to you, you might be surprised to realise just how appealing green spaces are to the general public in your gardens and grounds. What's more, paving isn't even that much simpler to maintain considering how often it needs washing and weeding. Visitors to your business premises might be very glad to see some increasingly rare greenery!

Increased risk of flooding

A major consequence of paving over grass is the increased risk of flooding this will cause. Every square metre of grass in your grounds will soak up water each time it rains; if you remove large portions of grass for paving, there is a cumulative effect which prompts rainwater to build up. This is unsightly at best and a flooding risk at worst. Not only will you be dealing with floodwater damage and leaf mulch clogging up drains, but you’ll also have to deal with the logistics of wading through that floodwater (it doesn’t disappear that fast!) and leave a poor impression on visitors.

Climate change

Finally, it's important to remember that grass plays a vital role in helping to keep the atmosphere clean and combat climate change in its own small way; just as deforestation has long been looked upon as an environmentally harmful practice, paving over green spaces is starting to be seen in the same light. Don't forget that your commercial grounds are a reflection of your business and brand, and your clients and partners will often get their first impressions of your company from the grounds it's set in. Show the world that your business is smart enough to notice, and care about, its effect on the environment.

Alternatives to paving

There is an easier way to keep your commercial business grounds easy to maintain without resorting to paving. Green spaces needn't be complicated; keeping grass short, neat, and tidy is the easiest way to maintain a simple and attractive garden area without risking flooding and environmental damage. If you're looking for a team of professionals to help you maintain gardens and grounds with little to no hassle, get in touch with us at Weedfree Landscapes. We offer expert garden and grounds maintenance services, including mowing, edging, and feeding lawns, so that you can focus on the work that matters.

How To Choose A Grounds/Estate Maintenance Contractor - Small

Image source: Pixabay

Tim Bower
Post by Tim Bower
August 24, 2020
Tim Bower is the Director of Weedfree and is an expert in grounds maintenance and keeping your business looking great all year round.
