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October Best Season to Plant Pansies Peonies and Irises on Your Business GroundsAs the weather gets colder, it’s easy to neglect your business’s ground maintenance, as you opt to spend more time inside in the warm. Yet even though you might not be spending as much time outside, keeping your business’s grounds in good condition over the autumn and winter months is important.

Why Do Your Grounds & Outside Space Matter? Click here to find out!

Not only will keeping on top of your grounds maintenance make your business a nicer place to work or visit as the mornings and evenings get darker, but it will also make it safer. Avoid slips and trips as the harsher weather sets in by keeping on top of things now.

What should be on your to-do list this October?


If you’ve decided you want to redesign your grounds, autumn is also a great time to get going with the landscaping, as it’s bare root season - the best time to plant and sow seeds and one of the most cost-effective times to redesign your grounds.

When it comes to flowers, October is a good time to plant pansies, peonies and irises. It’s also a great time to plant grass (which is called overseeding), as the cooler nights and warmer days give the seeds the best chance of germinating. Get the planting right now, and you’ll have grounds to be proud of come spring.

Alternatively, if you want to give your employees or customers something a little different, why not think about adding a vegetable patch to your grounds? October is a good time to plant broccoli, cabbage, spinach, carrots and kale.

Plant Lifting

While you won’t have to worry about keeping the grounds watered over the next few months, October is a good time to lift plants that might not last the winter. This means cutting stems back and carefully using a fork to lift plants out of the soil, moving them into a more protected area for winter.

Maintaining Paths and Walkways

Of course, your primary concern right now might be getting your paths and walkways ready for the colder weather. Whether that means trimming back the grass to neaten up the edging of the path or gravelling to ensure they stay slip-free on frosty mornings, it’s never too early to start planning for the winter.

Need some help getting your grounds in shape this October? Here at Weedfree Landscapes, we’re happy to help. No job is too small, so reach out today to find out how we can help with your business grounds this autumn.

Make An Impression Guide - Long

Image source; Unsplash

Tim Bower
Post by Tim Bower
October 1, 2020
Tim Bower is the Director of Weedfree and is an expert in grounds maintenance and keeping your business looking great all year round.
